The association Partners across borders was founded by former and active GSM students, teachers, parents and friends of theGSM Africa projectafter two successful and award-winning student encounters at theGesamtschule Bremen Mitte.
The first GSM meeting took place in Mali in 2011 on the subject of Building Bridges. The return visit in 2012 was about aChange of Perspective The organizers received the Federal President’s School Prize for Development Policy 2011/12.
In 2013/14 there was a student exchange between Ukunda, Kenya and Bremen. The topic in 2013 in Kenya was Tourism –A curse or a blessing for Kenya? In 2014 in Germany it wasHow do I wish the world to be in 2050? Again, the organizers received the Federal President’s school prize for development policy 2013/14.
In 2015 we founded the association Partners across borders.
In 2017, we held two encounters on human rights. The first took place atEaster,the second in the summer. For the encounters we received the 1st prize atbridge-it!-Award 2017.
2018 Easterbegan a student encounter on SDG 13 Climate Change and in Summer an extracurricular youth encounter on SDG 10Reduce Inequalities.
In June 2019, we supported the encounter between theGSM und DSN. In the Summer holidays we organized an extracurricular youth encounter on SDG 1 No Poverty or what we called it:End Capitalism.
In 2020 Corona prevented both a school and an extracurricular encounter. The Extracurricular encounters could at least take place in hybrid form.
In 2021, a School and an Extracurricular Encounter were planned in person and could only be carried out in hybrid form due to the pandemic.
In 2022 we hope to invite 10 Kenyan students to Bremen to work with GSM students on the connection between Colonialism and the Climate Crisis. An exchange of Skilled workers in Kenya and Germany is planned for spring and summer.